First Day Questions

  1. What is your previous computer experience
    • I have used computers for video editing in the past, gaming (sort of), watching netflix and youtube, etc. It has always just been something that has been apart of my life, plus my dad used to be in IT, so he taught me a lot of things about computers when he was younger.
  1. What do you hope to get out of this class?
    •  I hope to get a feel of what graphic design is like, and if I would want to continue with it as my career path.
  2. What is your experience with Photoshop and Illustrator?
    • I don't have much experience with either, I have used photoshop once or twice but it is still confusing to me
  3. Do you have a computer at home? If so dose it have Photoshop and Illustrator?
    • Yes, I just bought a Macbook Pro, it doesn't have Photoshop or illustrator on it yet.
  4. Do you use a Mac or PC?
    • Mac
  5. What do you hope to do with your major?
    • I hope to get a job in the graphic design industry (idk)
  6. Who is your favorite artist?
    • I love Claude Monet, I took french while in High School and when we studied french art, his art seemed to catch my eye the most.
  7. Who is your favorite musician? 
    • I don't know if I have a favorite musician, I enjoy all kinds of music, but one of my favorites would have to be Blackbear
  8. Tell me something interesting about yourself?
    • I used to do a lot of video editing in the past, using Final Cut Pro and Sony Vegas- It used to be a huge passion of mine.
  9. Write a five line story?
                                           I woke up today at 7 am
Why did I wake up so early if I didn't need to be at ccc until 10?
I am so tired, and now my boss wants me to come into work later
I just want to sleep but I need money
So I guess I am working tonight.
  1. Post an image on the blog.


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